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CORD-19 Visualization
NLP Analysis of Disease Data

Access to data is key to fighting diseases, such as COVID-19.

NLP technology enables fast and comprehensive extraction of key information from unstructured text in diverse sources, such as:

Patient Records

Lab Reports

Scientific Papers

News Articles

Inspirata's clinically optimized NLP engine is well positioned for disease data classification.

Our team applied Inspirata's NLP engine to the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) to help researchers across the globe find answers to important questions, such as reproduction rate, incubation period, and interaction between host and virus proteins.

Scholarly Articles
Full-Text Documents

Visualizing our NLP analysis of the CORD-19 dataset.

We want to make the result of our NLP analysis, a new dataset with extracted clinical concepts, available to all researchers for their own analytics and/or data mining.

To illustrate the potential of the extracted data, we also created a set of interactive association maps that plot the relationships between various clinical concepts. We recommend exploring these maps in a desktop browser for optimal experience.

Download the refined dataset with clinical concepts extracted through our NLP analysis:

Interested in using Inspirata's NLP for analysis beyond COVID-19?

Inspirata's NLP On Demand offering is optimized for key clinical use cases. Featuring rich oncology and general clinical data knowledge bases, its proven technology is used by the National Cancer Institute's SEER program to process millions of cancer reports, as well as by major healthcare institutions in the United States, Canada and Australia.

Getting started is easy. Just sign up for the NLP On Demand solution and begin using it in the cloud straight away, with no installation or technical support required. Our free trial can provide you with a limited sandbox to try NLP on Demand at no risk before you purchase.

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